About Us

Welcome to Breen Educational Resources!

I am a qualified primary school teacher with over 10 years experience in the classroom. I specialise in Early Years and I was head of this for 8 years in a school, supporting the teaching and learning of all children in pre-school, nursery and reception. I also was the head of phonics across the school, overseeing the teaching and progress of children from Reception upwards. Within these roles I ran programmes for parents to teach them how to support their child’s development at home. I was also SENDCO for 8 years, supporting children with additional needs across school.

I have two amazing children of my own who have helped me develop the activities you’ll find on the website by testing them out for me!

The resources I have designed are games for parents to play with their child thereby consolidating what they have learnt, after all practice makes permanent!
The games are designed to follow the typical development of the child but equally they can be used by children who have not yet reached what the Government call ‘age related expectations’.
Parents are the most important motivator in their child’s life and it is my vision to empower parents to give them the confidence to support their child. This is why each resource comes with a parent information sheet with hints and tips to use alongside the activity.
The games are diverse and colourful; they encourage parents and children to interact and learn together. Having researched into what resources are available I have found there to be little designed and aimed for parents…until now!

I hope you enjoy looking through my resources and if you have any questions, please get in touch!